The Sax Institute is a national leader in promoting the use of research evidence in health policy. It aims to be the bridge between researchers and health decision makers, giving each the tools to work more closely together to benefit all Australians.
ACEMS collaborations with the Sax Institute have focused on innovative modelling methodologies, leveraging the 45 and Up data set, for predictive population modelling, and a co-funded post-doctoral position to address the need for skilled statistical support within the Sax Institute.
In December 2019, ACEMS farewelled Principal Investigator Mark Bartlett from the Sax Institute. Mark has been the Centre’s Partner Investigator at the Sax Institute since 2016. In this time, the Sax Institute and ACEMS have enjoyed successful collaborations, including through a co-funded postdoctoral position supervised by ACEMS, which has had an impact by informing: key health policy and practice decisions; by providing information using linked and routinely collected data; and state-wide health strategy and health promotion programs implemented in NSW.
As at the end of 2019, discussions are underway for the Sax Institute to appoint an appropriate PI to replace Mark.
ACEMS hopes to explore new opportunities with the Sax Institute in 2020, after a new PI has been appointed.
Mark Bartlett has served as Director of Data Management and Analysis at the Sax Institute as well as Manager for Analysis for Policy Program.
Mark is an epidemiologist with experience in operational public health management, infectious disease epidemiology and surveillance, pharmaco-epidemiology, and the design and establishment of large scale record linkage studies. He has worked in a range of public health service delivery, policy development, research and program evaluation roles, including for NSW Health and at the Local Health District level.
Mark Bartlett. Image source: Sax Institute