As Australia's federally funded government agency for scientific research in Australia, the CSIRO is a valued ACEMS partner. CSIRO's chief aim is to improve the economic and social performance of industry, for the benefit of the community, and ACEMS/CSIRO collaborations foster projects with this focus.
ACEMS and CSIRO have fostered a strong collaborative relationship over many years. Highlights for 2019 include: the continuance of multiple research projects and PhD supervisions, and start of a new research project; CSIRO representation at the ACEMS Annual Retreat; and a change of Partner Investigators at the CSIRO.
A new research project commenced in 2019 involves “Applying Deep Learning Methods to Develop Models for Prediction of Animal Performance”.
Other collaborative research projects active in 2019 included: multiple projects relating to visual analytics, including for complex and scientific datasets and “Feature Reconstruction from Image Analysis and Visual Analytics”, with collaborations extending to the EPICentre; “R Middleware for Immersive Experiments and Visualisations in AR/VR”; Machine learning for cybersecurity; and “High-dimensional inference using extremal-t and extremal skew-t processes” completed in 2019.
CSIRO and ACEMS researchers have co-supervised a number of PhD students’ projects, including into “Statistical analysis and visualisation of spatially distributed big time series electricity usage data” and “Uncertainty Visualisation in Geospatial data”.
CSIRO is another partner that has changed its Partner Investigator in 2019. Due to academic commitments Dr Tomasz Bednarz stepped down from the role. We thank Tomasz for his extensive contributions and look forward to remaining connected through his new role as an ACEMS Associate Investigator.
Dr Tomasz Bednarz is a Team Leader at the CSIRO Data61 (leading Visual Analytics team, in Software & Computational Systems research program) and a Director at the Expanded Perception & Interaction Centre (EPICentre) UNSW Art & Design. His current roles reflect his conviction to a holistic approach to the wicked problems facing the collation, analytics and display of big data. His approach is expansive and encompasses the use of novel technologies such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, CAVE, Dome, AVIE, often in combination. Over the last couple of years, he has been involved in a wide range of projects in the areas of immersive visualisation, human-computer interaction, computational imaging, visualisation, and simulations, computational fluid dynamics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer graphics, and interactive techniques. He also holds Adjunct positions at QUT and the University of South Australia.
Dr Tomasz Bednarz presenting at a past ACEMS retreat
We welcome Dr Petra Kuhnert as CSIRO’s new PI and look forward to working with Petra over the coming years. She has already taken initiative to engage with ACEMS and attended the ACEMS retreat, taking part in the academic panel and the networking drinks within the student/ECR program, and presenting at the Industry session within the main retreat. In addition to this Petra has taken up co-supervision of an ACEMS PhD student project.
Dr Petra Kuhnert is a Research Statistician in Data61. Her most recent research interests are focused on managing model uncertainty and its communication for decision making. She is the Activity Leader for the Hybrid Model Prediction Activity in the newly formed Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Future Science Platform in CSIRO. Dr Kuhnert is interested in novel approaches for integrating statistics with machine learning. She has authored more than 40 publications in high ranking applied journals (H-Index 15) and was an associate editor of Environmetrics (2013 and 2014). She is the recipient of the 2010 CSIRO Julius Award and the 2013 Abdel El-Shaarawi Young Investigator Award, for interdisciplinary collaboration and impact.
Dr Petra Kuhnert at the 2019 ACEMS retreat